Work Streams and Activities

The Digital Master Plan sets the direction for the City of Beaumont’s digital journey from 2022 to 2025. It is comprised of six Work Streams, with each Stream consisting of three to seven Activities. Activities will encompass projects, initiatives and ongoing tasks that will contribute to the achievement of the outcomes.

Below is information on each of the Work Streams and Activities within the Plan.

Work Streams & Activities

Digital Governance

  • The City will develop strategic and operational strategies and policies that will enable the successfully implementation of digital initiatives, including the Digital Master Plan. ​

  • The City will develop a Risk Management Framework to identify current and future digital risks and impacts to the organization and establish a mitigation plan. ​

  • The City will further enhance existing plans and actions to protect the security and privacy of the organization’s technology infrastructure, data and information.​

  • The City will develop a Records and Information Management Plan that ensures effective digital storage of City data and information, ease of access, transparency, and security. ​

  • The City will collect, analyze and showcase various progress measures and performance metrics throughout the organization through the use of digital tools. ​

  • The City will develop a Technology Investment Framework that outlines clear, defined guidelines and criteria for future technology investments, prioritizing value and impact to the community. ​

  • The City will leverage stakeholders and subject matter experts to participate on various working groups or committees to support Digital initiatives and projects. ​

Data Driven Decision-Making

  • The City will identify and categorize all data and information that is collected through various methods and channels.​

  • The City will develop a Data Training Curriculum to support an increase in data and digital literacy of all City employees. ​

  • The City will establish a community of practice for employees and subject matter experts to further embed a culture of data-driven decision making across the organization.​

  • The City will develop a roadmap that outlines how data and information can be utilized for advanced analytics and business intelligence to improve organizational efficiency and maximize operational value. ​

External Open Data

  • The City will establish an Advisory Group comprised of key internal stakeholders who will lead the City’s Open Data initiative. ​

  • The City will develop an Open Data Training Curriculum to support citizens with accessing, understanding, and using the City’s Open Data. ​

  • The City will provide citizens with an Open Data digital portal with access to data and information that is clean, useable and readable.​

  • The City will establish an Advisory Group comprised of citizens and other external stakeholders to share perspectives and ideas to further enhance the City’s Open Data Portal.​

  • The City will explore potential partnerships to further enhance the Open Data portal and the information that is accessible to the community. ​

Technology Infrastructure

  • The City will enhance their broadband and connectivity as it is essential to enabling a digital organization and community. ​

  • The City will establish a formal Application Lifecycle Management program to to categorize applications, increase visibility into workflow, enhance compliance, ensure faster deployments, and prioritize upgrades.​

  • The City will develop a plan to enable agile and adaptable technology infrastructure to support sustainability and growth.​

  • The City will enhance existing Disaster Recovery planning efforts to enable the recovery and continuation of organizational technology, systems and workflows in the event of an unexpected event. ​

  • The City will establish clear business processes and streamline vendor management practices to ensure the most value is received from technology vendors. ​

  • The City will enhance Business Continuity planning, in alignment to Disaster Recovery planning, to increase resilience and ensure recovery in the event of a serious disruption. ​

Digital Experience and Partnerships

  • The City will create an internal portal to enable effective employee communications and engagement. ​

  • The City will enhance the current website and service portal to enable a seamless and meaningful digital experience for citizens and other stakeholders. ​

  • The City will invite citizens to join a Community of Practice that will focus on generating ideas for continuous improvement and enhancement of the digital service experience. ​

  • The City will identify and pursue partnership opportunities to further enable digital growth and sustainability.​

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

  • The City will provide Technology and Innovation Training to City employees to enhance their skills, knowledge, and ability to identify, plan, and implement innovations to drive operational efficiency and service delivery excellence. ​

  • The City will actively encourage employees to identify and execute innovative initiatives within each Department to enhance organizational processes and increase efficiencies through the use of technology and data. ​

  • The City will prioritize researching and understanding emerging technologies that can improve the citizen and employee experience with meaningful, impactful digital change. ​