December Updates

Check out our DMP updates for December!

December Updates

  • Project Completed. Broadband updates can be found on the website link below.

    For full broadband updates, please go HERE.

  • Phase 2 project initiative documents have been completed.

  • Project Completed.

  • Project Completed.

  • Work continues to be completed.

  • Continued development of backend solution architecture.

  • The City started its Records Information Management project in 2023. This project includes 4 main deliverables that will help address the goals identified as part of the Digital Governance work stream of the DMP.

    The four deliverables for Records Information project are as follows:

    1. Current State Assessment and Action Plan (i.e., a review of the city’s entire information management framework, bylaws, policies and procedures with a goal of identifying any existing gaps);

    2. Develop Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (this will be a modern, simplified approach to retention and disposition for all city records).

    3. Develop Data Sensitivity Classification and Protection document plan (this will enable for proactive information disclosure); and

    4. Develop RIM Governance Framework (this framework will delineate RIM roles and responsibilities across the organization and include an implementation and training plan).

  • On hold until resources are available.

  • On hold until resources are available.

  • Project Completed.

  • No new progress updates for this month.

  • Project planning with consultant underway, including scheduling department discovery meetings and public engagement.