December Updates
Check out our DMP updates for December!
December Updates
Project Completed. Broadband updates can be found on the website link below.
For full broadband updates, please go HERE.
Phase 2 project initiative documents have been completed.
Project Completed.
Project Completed.
Work continues to be completed.
Continued development of backend solution architecture.
The City started its Records Information Management project in 2023. This project includes 4 main deliverables that will help address the goals identified as part of the Digital Governance work stream of the DMP.
The four deliverables for Records Information project are as follows:
1. Current State Assessment and Action Plan (i.e., a review of the city’s entire information management framework, bylaws, policies and procedures with a goal of identifying any existing gaps);
2. Develop Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (this will be a modern, simplified approach to retention and disposition for all city records).
3. Develop Data Sensitivity Classification and Protection document plan (this will enable for proactive information disclosure); and
4. Develop RIM Governance Framework (this framework will delineate RIM roles and responsibilities across the organization and include an implementation and training plan).
On hold until resources are available.
On hold until resources are available.
Project Completed.
No new progress updates for this month.
Project planning with consultant underway, including scheduling department discovery meetings and public engagement.