March Updates

Check out our DMP updates for March!

March Updates

  • For full broadband updates, please go HERE.

    All required equipment has been procured and is expected to arrive on schedule.

    Data cabling for Wi-Fi panels in project has commenced.

  • Completed workshops with each department to identify existing data repositories and types of data in each repository. Project team to refine department information and prepare final report.

  • Scope signed-off by project team.

    Kick-off schedule for April 25 2023!

  • Project Team has recently completed the impact assessment of each system and application, and we have added impact scores to the DRP Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Tool.

  • Directives continue to be developed.

  • On hold to restart July 2023.

  • Scheduled for second half of 2023.

  • Scheduled for second half of 2023.

  • Scheduled for second half of 2023.

  • The PM has reviewed Beaumont's security policies and we're taking necessary steps to align them with industry best practices for optimal protection of sensitive information in the city.

  • Assigned new Project Lead and work will commence in April 2023.

  • Closing off our web content audit, with a heavy focus on better navigation and accuracy of information. Implementation is planned to take place in the near future, pending approval on the Operational Budget scheduled on April 11, 2023.

    Remainder of activity is also on hold Pending Operational Budget Approval.